About Me

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Hi, I'm a 22 year old born in '88. I'm loving the symmetry.

I also love a lot of other things, and I hope that you'll get a sense of what those things are after browsing my happiness project. This is a less formalized version of Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project - I'm basically just trying to remind myself of all the things I smile about. I'm forgetful.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Process of Balance and Fine Tuning

I know this is sort of new age/hippie-ish, but I subscribe to DailyOm newsletters and I actually read them. I like them because it's usually a short blurb about focusing yourself, and not succumbing to the pressure of daily life. I was sent one recently and it particularly spoke to me: "Temporarily Out of Balance".

"In the process of becoming, we are always developing and fine tuning one or the other of our many qualities, and it is a natural part of this process that things tend to get out of balance. This may be upsetting to us, or the people around us, but we can trust that it’s a normal part of the work of self-development."

Applying for grad school has certainly upset my balance. Graduating in June with my BA upset my balance. As I've been told, this is an important transitional stage of my life. I hear that a lot, but it's only in small moments like this where I actually understand what that actually means.

But reading this newsletter has taken the edge off of things. It's okay to be stressed. That's all I ever need to hear-- not "You'll get it done!" but that it's okay to feel what I'm feeling. That acceptance allows me to move on from things, to let the difficult moment pass.

Balancing is an adjustment process, and I know I felt anxiety over the fact that once this application is in, I won't suddenly be carefree. But reading that newsletter made me remember that that's okay, and not to worry about what other people think about how I'm coping with things. I've felt pressure while working on this application-- feeling bad about taking time off of work, or not being able to see friends for dinner (or worse, seeing them anyways out of guilt), or just emotionally investing myself into other people when I should only be focusing on myself right now.

I've been listening to the Glee cover of "Taking Chances" all day...

what do you say to taking chances? what do you say to jumping off the edge? never knowing if there's solid ground below, or hand to hold, or hell to pay...

Having more of my detox broccoli arugula soup, and yes that's my application beside it. I feel a lot calmer than I did two hours ago. Having a delicious meal that I made myself just adds to the solid feeling of capability I'm finally getting a grasp of...

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