So a few days ago, I was milling about the house when I noticed a new e-mail: an early acceptance from Laurier with an entrance scholarship!!! I was so excited!! I'm still waiting to hear from Ryerson, but it's such a giant relief.
I do get a bit peeved when people say "See? What were you stressed about?" I understand the sentiment, so I'm not mad, but I kept articulating that I was stressed about the process-- rather than being stressed about the outcome. And even if I was stressed about the outcome, how would my current success have prevented me from being stressed in the time when I had no idea what my chances were?
Anyways, I've been burning out from two jobs... It'll be at least another month of feeling over worked. Today's my first day off in a while, and it was really nice. It's really important to recharge your batteries and to get your down time.
Mario and I went for a Timmie's run-- I got my bagel and we played roll up the rim. I WON A DONUT I was so happy.
Spontaneously I suggested we buy a scratch card, and so we meticulously went through a Bingo card. We could have scratched the whole thing very efficiently, but I liked that we took our time sitting outside of Shoppers, being so careful.
$12!!! Even the gas station attendant was impressed when we went to collect it. Before we scratched it, and before we rolled our rims, I made M hold hands while we thought about all the good things that have been happening to us, and what we're fortunate to have.
I think I should do that more often. When I'm upset, it's easy to let everything sort of cave in. It's natural, but then on the flip side, if I'm happy, I should try to let all the happy moments collect together as well.
In the mean time, I'm struggling with how to treat my finances. On one hand, I'm still paying off my last trip to Vietnam. On the other hand, I'm young and this is my only opportunity to be "irresponsible" with money. And that's one of my new resolutions, to be a little more carefree-- even if it means being a bit irresponsible. I'm only young once.
Wish list:
I really want these insanely girly sweats from Victoria's Secret PINK line. I always lounge about in boy clothes, like my University of Toronto sweatpants and my XXL U of T grey t-shirt. It would be nice to have something bright and fun like this.
I also really want some cycling shorts for my spin class (though I bailed on Jen today because I wasn't downtown during the day like I thought I'd be. I feel bad about that ;_;).
Does anyone else ever have fun making wish lists? Sometimes it's torturous, but 75% of the time I enjoy thinking of them.
I recently bought some in-ear headphones from the Apple Store. $100. Painful. But my other ones were broken, and I got fed up after weeks of walking around with only one earbud.
I really want to go to Lucien, this restaurant on Wellington. The food's supposed to be all local and fantastic. That, and Local Kitchen & Wine Bar, are my top two "wants" for food right now. Although a box of sharp cheddar KD makes me just as happy...
I'm thinking of buying these friendship bracelets with my best friend, Shobi:
I really want a new purse too. Sigh. Want want want!!!
But life is beautiful right now. Let's hope we all stay light and bright!
Financial irresponsibility rocks. You're are only young once, but money comes in throughout your lifetime. So, I say, enjoy it.